Location: Vidor, Texas, United States

I have been in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing for for the last 45 years. I have helped hundreds maybe even thousands of sales people to more productive lives and outstanding success.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Suggestive Selling An Art Unto Itself

Have you ever thought about Suggestive Selling and how this may impact your sales? Well may be you have and may be you haven’t? The important thing is it does work and work very well.

I have used this for years every since the early sixties and I have never seen it fail in the majority of the cases that I had a mind to use it.

Depending on the product the verbiage obviously will very but once you work the script out it is definitely a winner. In most cases the prospect will never even know you have set them up for the close. This will even be long before you get into a deep discussion of the product with them.

How in the world do you use suggestive selling, you might ask? Actually in most cases it is a very simple matter. Years ago when I was selling cemetery property I would just drive the prospects around the cemetery and make casual comments and observations as we rode around or got out and walked to some of the various features in the cemetery.

For example I might mention that a loving couple deserves a companion marker, don’t you think? The customer would normally say yes. I don’t remember a single instance where they said no to that question.

If we were looking at mausoleum crypts the vase was the only extra item I could sell. I would mention as we were walking by that most families would prefer to be able to place fresh flowers on their families crypts don’t you think. This did not work all the time as some people do not care to put out flowers but if they were like most families they would make a positive statement.

When I was selling cars I would suggest the features that were on the models we were pushing that day. For example most folks now days prefer leather interiors. Do you like the smell of fresh leather? Of course they do. Now when you get to jumping in and out of cars guess which one they are going to insist on making a deal on. I would just tell them that they have great taste and this would be a wonderful choice for them.

Now it is one thing to bump someone up a few thousand on an automobile or grave marker but you have to be careful and not over sell. By that I mean you should not attempt to put people in to merchandise that is way over their budget. I had no difficulty in helping people subconsciously want anything I wanted to sell but if it was not in their budget they would be disappointed and I would get no sale. So size up your prospect before you start dropping hints for the wrong merchandise for them, it just want work. On the other hand if you put them in the right product, they will love it and come back to you time after time again.

I first learned to do Suggestive Selling when I was selling encyclopedias years ago but I have used this method with everything I have ever sold since. It works great when you are selling Mobil homes or any kind of Real Estate. As you go about doing your walk through and pointing out the features and benefits just mention what most people like and ask if they agree with the statement. If they do agree when you get to the close they will close themselves nine times out of ten.

For example if you are selling security alarms if your unit will flash or beep every time there is a sharp noise like tapping on glass or a dime hitting the ceiling or floor, you can do this. I used to walk around while I was inspecting the windows, doors and any other possible points of entry with a flash light in one hand and a dime in the other. Every once in a while I would tap on some window glass or pitch the dime up against the ceiling and the unit would flash. The prospect would see the flash and I would simply say, “They are not coming through here any more, are they? I just kept saying that statement every time I pinged the ceiling, floor, window or door with the dime. The customer kept nodding their heads in agreement or saying, “That’s Right! Under their breath.

During the close you will soon find the prospects will start telling each other word for word some of the things you mentioned earlier in the day. They actually think it is their idea and would fight with you if told them any different. After one or the other brings the subject up they will start convincing each other that this is exactly what they want and need to purchase.

If you can just learn to keep your mouth shut and let them talk it out you will get the order. Now how tough can that be?

After the dust settles and your prospects have totally convinced themselves that the product you suggested is what they want. You will be able to assume the close and write the order up with a minimum of fuss.

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