Location: Vidor, Texas, United States

I have been in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing for for the last 45 years. I have helped hundreds maybe even thousands of sales people to more productive lives and outstanding success.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

How Health Issues Can Affect Your Sales Career

There is a lot of stress involved daily when you have to go out and earn a living in sales.

This stress can be multiplied several fold if you do not feel well and you have a hard time just making your calls and walking up stairs. In addition to this there are big parking lots to cross or trains and planes to run and try to catch when you are out of shape.

In addition to this when you do finally get into the prospects office or living room and you are huffing and puffing and setting there all worn out and tired trying to make a good impression.

I’ve been there and I know what you and about sixty-five or seventy percent of the nation’s sales force is going through.

In fact from what I read yesterday it may actually be closer to eighty percent of the Nation‘s sales force. But in any case there are a lot of over weight, out of shape unhealthy salespeople out there.

Believe it or not you can sell more and sell better if you are in good physical shape, healthy and have a great appearance as well as a positive attitude.

All of these things can happen for you if you get into shape and see your doctor regularly. Now what ever you do I recommend that you follow your doctor’s advice.

Think about it! For the most part when it comes to your doctor, all you pay him or her for is their advice so it would be foolish not to follow it.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on exercise equipment or join expensive health clubs to get into shape either.

When I was living in Amarillo, Texas I lived across the street from a public park that was square in shape and about three blocks long on all four sides. It took me about fifteen or twenty minutes to walk all the way around the four sides to wind up back in front of my house.

The first week I walked all the way around it once each day and starting with the second week I walked around it twice.

By the end of the month I was able to make four trips around the park and as I was walking a little faster it only took me about forty-five minutes most days to make four laps around the park.

After I got tough enough I started doing set ups and some curls with some light weights.

After I was able to make four laps a day I continued with my weight training for the next six months and at the end of that time I had went from two hundred and fifty-three pounds down to what I considered for my age at that time a lean trim one hundred and seventy-five pounds.

I had got rid of all of my excess fat and I truly believe I was in the best shape I had been in for the last ten years. As a result my sales business took off like a rocket.

I truly was a lean, mean selling machine.

Salespeople today lead very sedentary lives. They take the elevator, park next to the front door, anything to get out of walking or doing any physical work. But with a few simple ideas any body can get in better shape than they are now.

Healthy living is necessary if you want to live a long productive life.

People used to retire at sixty-five or earlier but now days most people including my self will work on up in to their seventy’s or beyond.

Is it because we cannot afford to retire? In most cases no. Lots of millionaires still enjoy working. May be not the 75 or 80 hours they used to do but they still put in some reasonable hours at work.

Personally I am still working because I enjoy it and I learn new things every day which keeps my mind sharp.

I see my doctor regularly four times a year and he runs the test and prescribes the medicines that keeps me in tip top shape for my age.

Learning something new every day keeps my brain used to working and able to think clearly.

I watch my diet and find the easiest way to keep my weight where it needs to be is more from watching my portions than from trying this diet or that.

I eat a lot of vegetables as it is a habit I developed many years ago. I still eat a good steak now and then but it is not an everyday affair like it was when I was younger.

I like avocados, so I eat at least three a week when they or in season and I eat lots of garlic especially roasted garlic with other roasted vegetables.

I eat tomatoes of some sort every day and I like green beans.

I eat a reasonable amount of potatoes as it is the dressing, butter and sour cream that have all the calories and not the potato. So I try not to get carried away with the fats when I am eating baked potatoes.

In fact my favorite way to eat potatoes, garlic and all the other root vegetables that I eat all of the time is cooking by oven roasting them with a little olive oil spread on them.

So actually some of the most healthy things in my diet are olive oil, avocados and garlic as they tend to lower cloistral.

These items have been main stays in my home for years.

Whole grains such as some of the breakfast cereals and oat meal are also a daily fixture in my daily eating schedule.

I like to sprinkle my cereal with cinnamon and flax seed which is a very tasty and healthy addition to your diet.

If you search the web you will find good advice on how to make your health problems better and easier for your doctor to treat.

So these are a few of my recommendations on how to cut way back on the stress in your life.

A better diet, good common sense, reasonable exercise and regular check ups to help catch problems before they are unsolvable will inable you to have less stress and be in better physical shape.

With less stress you absolutely can earn more money in the sales profession.

In my opinion making more money will also lead to less stress in most cases but not always, it just depends on your situation.

But money is a subject I will cover in another article as this is something that is always on the table.

Hopefully this article will get you to thinking about how you can get rid of some of your old destructive habits and begin creating the new you.

The best time to start is always today but you really should check with your doctor before starting any kind of strenuous exercise program or changes of diet if you have an illness of some sort.

Get the different health test your doctor recommends for you to do. In fact I just got home from doing my colonoscopy this morning before writing this.

Colon cancer is the one of the top three killers in the United States and has to be caught earlier in order for you to achieve a good survival rate.

If you are over fifty years of age I would certainly recommend it and it was also a virtually painless procedure I might add.

My prognosis was very good but you will never know until you have your colon checked out.

You will find that becoming a Selling Fool is somewhat similar to being a good Boy Scout.

I always do my best to be well prepared for the absolute worst situation. However I never dwell on it once I have the bases covered because I also expect and demand of myself the very best in all of the things I do.

When you set down and make your life plans and goals please be sure and include your health situation in them. When you improve your health you will have a head start on all of the other goals and plans you set out to do during the rest of your life.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson


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