What Is Your Time Worth?
What is your time worth?
The one thing every human being on the face of the earth has in common with each other is time. Everybody has the same amount, no more, no less.
You have 168 hours per week. Most people spend 56 hours a week in bed relaxing and sleeping. That leaves 112 hours. Most folks spend 40 hours per week working. So that leaves 72 hours. Most folks spend 21 hours per week or more preparing and eating their meals. That leaves 51 hours per week to study, spend quality time with your family and also quality time with your self. The important thing is you must master your time or time itself will master you.
The best way to get a grasp on how you spend your time is to make up your mind once and for all to find out how you are spending it. This can be done by making a time log and keep it for a minimum of three weeks. By keeping a log for three weeks it will become a habit and when the time comes you need to change jobs or responsibilities you will find that it wont be near as hard to do another time study and become more effective and efficient at the new job or position.
Take me for example I hold down a full time job and run this internet business on the side as well. I put my forty hours in on the job each week and where I work believe me they require employees to be efficient with a capitol E.
I no longer have children at home so this business that is for now somewhat of a hobby but is soon to be my main source of support in the coming years.
I can do things on the internet that can and will make me a good living but it always comes down to time management and getting the most bang for your buck, time wise. If you are not careful you will loose sight of what you are trying to accomplish and may waste your time doing things that are not important.
What ever your job is: Be it CEO, Sales person, Sales clerk or Doctor, Lawyer or Minister you still have the same amount of time. You had better learn to prioritize and do the important things first and not just the trivial. True some times trivial things become important because they have been put off so long they become a brush fire. A lot of very important people could double their effectiveness and efficiency if they did not spend all of their time running around putting out brush fires all of the time.
So how do you prioritize? Simple, you just take your job and responsibility and break it down to what has to be done on a day to day basis. Put everything on the list. Meetings, E=mail, Phone Calls, reports, bank deposits, writing letters and opening the mail and going through it. Making sales calls, prospecting or even cleaning out your desk. Now that you have your list made, mark everything that absolutely has to be done as your first priority. I like to use colors so I highlight the most important things RED. The next most important things that can be highlighted in GREEN to separate them from the most important but are still things that have to be done, just not right away. The day to day things that would be nice if you have time to do them are highlighted in BLUE. Then the next category are things that are just leftovers and do not really have to be done any time soon and if conditions change, they may be never have to be done at all and can be highlighted in YELLOW. These things are to be done someday but in most cases they are just time wasters and could never be done with out any consequence what so ever.
Now you got your list and you schedule the REDs (the things that must be done today with out fail Katy bar the door) as your number one priority. Get these out of the way first and quickly and at all cost. Then you can go to work on the GREENs and may even get to do a few BLUEs before the day is over. Depending on your position in the company you may also be able to delegate most of your BLUEs and some of the GREENs.
You do have to work out your own plan and your own way of doing things but your are the best one to do it. You know what needs to be done and when. After all this is not rocket science it is simply planning your work and then making a consorted effort to work your plan.
Next you need to make the actual time log. Just mark off a sheet of paper into hours of the day and divided into fifteen minute segments. You are going to become a slave to this time log for the next three weeks. Spend the last fifteen or thirty minutes of each day planning for the next day. Your subconscious mind will work on it every night and make the next day much easier. Then take the first fifteen to thirty minutes of each day to go over the previous days notes and plans for today. Then start the first task and complete it and go on to the next.
Take a fifteen minute break in the middle of the morning and one hour for your lunch and another fifteen minute break in the middle of the afternoon. Be sure and keep notating the time log. Just simple notes, for example from 8:00 to 8:15 AM I set up plans for the day. From 8:15 to 8:30 AM I made calls to John and Bob to get them working on the XYZ project. Then from 8:30 to 8:45 AM I wrote so and so a letter to close the what ever deal. Then just continue on through out the day. Don't forget to plan tomorrow at the end of business today!
This will be one of the hardest thing that you have ever done in your life keeping up with this log but I will guarantee you this. You will most likely make two to three times as much money if your are on commission if you do keep the log religiously. Or on the other hand, you will get two to three times as much done on your job and be able to get that promotion you are looking for in a very short while if you work by the hour or on a salary.
Your boss, your spouse, your friends and your peers are going to wonder what in the world has come over you. From all appearances you are now a human dynamo capable of anything and are now actually accomplishing more in a day than you used to, in may be a week. An added plus is you will get so used to doing this in about three weeks your stress level will go down because for the first time in your life you will have a handle on what you are doing and working proactivectively instead of reactively.
Your pride of accomplishment is going to make you strive for more and more, bigger and better goals and you are actually going to accomplish them.
Make sense? Welcome to the world of the Selling Fools, we make things happen instead of just hoping and praying it will be a much better day tomorrow.
The truth is the real secret to success is to just keep on, keeping on and never let up.
If you would like more ideas on how to sell better, make more money and be more effective or just plain get more done, Here is How.
Just please visit my website at http://www.thesellingfool.com/
Also you could drop me an E-mail and let me know if this helps in about three weeks.
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
The one thing every human being on the face of the earth has in common with each other is time. Everybody has the same amount, no more, no less.
You have 168 hours per week. Most people spend 56 hours a week in bed relaxing and sleeping. That leaves 112 hours. Most folks spend 40 hours per week working. So that leaves 72 hours. Most folks spend 21 hours per week or more preparing and eating their meals. That leaves 51 hours per week to study, spend quality time with your family and also quality time with your self. The important thing is you must master your time or time itself will master you.
The best way to get a grasp on how you spend your time is to make up your mind once and for all to find out how you are spending it. This can be done by making a time log and keep it for a minimum of three weeks. By keeping a log for three weeks it will become a habit and when the time comes you need to change jobs or responsibilities you will find that it wont be near as hard to do another time study and become more effective and efficient at the new job or position.
Take me for example I hold down a full time job and run this internet business on the side as well. I put my forty hours in on the job each week and where I work believe me they require employees to be efficient with a capitol E.
I no longer have children at home so this business that is for now somewhat of a hobby but is soon to be my main source of support in the coming years.
I can do things on the internet that can and will make me a good living but it always comes down to time management and getting the most bang for your buck, time wise. If you are not careful you will loose sight of what you are trying to accomplish and may waste your time doing things that are not important.
What ever your job is: Be it CEO, Sales person, Sales clerk or Doctor, Lawyer or Minister you still have the same amount of time. You had better learn to prioritize and do the important things first and not just the trivial. True some times trivial things become important because they have been put off so long they become a brush fire. A lot of very important people could double their effectiveness and efficiency if they did not spend all of their time running around putting out brush fires all of the time.
So how do you prioritize? Simple, you just take your job and responsibility and break it down to what has to be done on a day to day basis. Put everything on the list. Meetings, E=mail, Phone Calls, reports, bank deposits, writing letters and opening the mail and going through it. Making sales calls, prospecting or even cleaning out your desk. Now that you have your list made, mark everything that absolutely has to be done as your first priority. I like to use colors so I highlight the most important things RED. The next most important things that can be highlighted in GREEN to separate them from the most important but are still things that have to be done, just not right away. The day to day things that would be nice if you have time to do them are highlighted in BLUE. Then the next category are things that are just leftovers and do not really have to be done any time soon and if conditions change, they may be never have to be done at all and can be highlighted in YELLOW. These things are to be done someday but in most cases they are just time wasters and could never be done with out any consequence what so ever.
Now you got your list and you schedule the REDs (the things that must be done today with out fail Katy bar the door) as your number one priority. Get these out of the way first and quickly and at all cost. Then you can go to work on the GREENs and may even get to do a few BLUEs before the day is over. Depending on your position in the company you may also be able to delegate most of your BLUEs and some of the GREENs.
You do have to work out your own plan and your own way of doing things but your are the best one to do it. You know what needs to be done and when. After all this is not rocket science it is simply planning your work and then making a consorted effort to work your plan.
Next you need to make the actual time log. Just mark off a sheet of paper into hours of the day and divided into fifteen minute segments. You are going to become a slave to this time log for the next three weeks. Spend the last fifteen or thirty minutes of each day planning for the next day. Your subconscious mind will work on it every night and make the next day much easier. Then take the first fifteen to thirty minutes of each day to go over the previous days notes and plans for today. Then start the first task and complete it and go on to the next.
Take a fifteen minute break in the middle of the morning and one hour for your lunch and another fifteen minute break in the middle of the afternoon. Be sure and keep notating the time log. Just simple notes, for example from 8:00 to 8:15 AM I set up plans for the day. From 8:15 to 8:30 AM I made calls to John and Bob to get them working on the XYZ project. Then from 8:30 to 8:45 AM I wrote so and so a letter to close the what ever deal. Then just continue on through out the day. Don't forget to plan tomorrow at the end of business today!
This will be one of the hardest thing that you have ever done in your life keeping up with this log but I will guarantee you this. You will most likely make two to three times as much money if your are on commission if you do keep the log religiously. Or on the other hand, you will get two to three times as much done on your job and be able to get that promotion you are looking for in a very short while if you work by the hour or on a salary.
Your boss, your spouse, your friends and your peers are going to wonder what in the world has come over you. From all appearances you are now a human dynamo capable of anything and are now actually accomplishing more in a day than you used to, in may be a week. An added plus is you will get so used to doing this in about three weeks your stress level will go down because for the first time in your life you will have a handle on what you are doing and working proactivectively instead of reactively.
Your pride of accomplishment is going to make you strive for more and more, bigger and better goals and you are actually going to accomplish them.
Make sense? Welcome to the world of the Selling Fools, we make things happen instead of just hoping and praying it will be a much better day tomorrow.
The truth is the real secret to success is to just keep on, keeping on and never let up.
If you would like more ideas on how to sell better, make more money and be more effective or just plain get more done, Here is How.
Just please visit my website at http://www.thesellingfool.com/
Also you could drop me an E-mail and let me know if this helps in about three weeks.
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
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