The Best Way To Learn To Sell Is To Teach Selling
If you want to learn how to sell at hyper speed you need to learn how to teach selling at some of your training classes at work.
You know a lot more than you think even if you just walked in the door of the new company you are going to work for.
Believe it or not the art of selling is something you actually learned at birth are you would not be here reading this. You had to sell someone on giving you a bottle when you were hungry and the way you did that was to raise a fuss and it was so loud you could not be ignored.
You did not know a language yet so all you could do was pout and cry. By demanding attention this way you got your bottle on time and when you soiled your diapers they came running to.
Getting up in front of the class and covering a few points will help you to get over the normal case of stage fright that every one has the first time they have to speak before a group.
As a matter of fact the number one fear in America is the fear of speaking in public.
What better place to get over your stage fright than addressing a group of your peers who don’t know anymore about the subject than you do.
You will find by doing this you will learn your little piece of the program very well. You can do this because you won’t be embarrassed and frightened as you will be more knowledgeable about the subject than your peers.
This is exactly the way I learned to sell. I would volunteer to cover some part are parts of the presentation. On other days I might tackle the close especially after I got pretty good at following the company closing techniques.
Talk about developing confidence. From this point on, you are going to feel ten feet tall and bullet proof when you walk into the homes and offices of prospects.
After I became a sales manager I always insisted that my sales people helped with the training. They thought they were teaching the class but they were actually teaching themselves and getting very good at it.
OK, I am willing to do this to learn my stock and trade much better. So just how do I go about it.
The first thing you need is a plan. (A Lesson Plan) This lesson plan will be short and to the point with no more than three points covered. It seems most people my self included have a hard time trying to grasp and remember more than three points in a single lecture.
Also I might recommend that you plan to ask a few questions and let the audience do some of the work. This way they will learn the material much better if they bounce a few answers off of you.
For example if you are teaching about the warm up before the presentation this is how I would go about it.
I would have three note cards about 4X6 inches in size. You can write on both sides if you need to. You can also number them by putting a big one on the first card, then two and so forth on the front of the cards and then number the backs of the cards four, five and six.
On the first card, front side I would put open ended questions to ask male prospects. Men like to talk about their work, hobbies, sports, cars and general interest subjects such as that.
On card two I would put, Women want to talk about their family, their home and friends. So you put pictures on the wall, flowers and ornaments in the front yard as you walk up and how well the home is kept up. If it is a home that is not that well kept up, don’t lie and give false flattery type statements. Just don’t bring the subject up.
On the third card put a few general questions that will appeal to a couple like how long have you all lived here? This seems like a pleasant neighborhood? Have you enjoyed a good vacation lately?
On the fourth side of a card (back of the first card) Put start shifting to suggestions of how most people enjoy certain things about your product without being to obvious about it.
We are not ready for the presentation phase yet, just trying to find out in subtle way what their likes and dislikes are.
Card side number five I would list observe for any problems that your product can fix and encourage your prospects to talk about these with you and to each other.
Card side number six it is time to bridge over to the presentation and your company has given you some sort of way they want this done. In the event they haven’t an easy way to do this is say, “Gee, I have enjoyed talking with you so much this evening it looks like I am letting the time get away“. You can sort of say this while picking up your book or binder and open it to the first page and start from there.
This was for training class but in real life about this point the prospect may actually tell you he is ready to shut up and hear what you have to say. When he tells you this it is time to start. Be sure and tell you class that as well.
I always recommend spending one hour in the warm up if the money you will receive from the sale warrants it. It is much easier for the prospect to see in his or her mind’s eye the value and benefit they will receive from the product you are selling; when they listen and talk about benefits without really realizing this is what is going on. Following this procedure will insure that you have a pre-sold prospect and a minimum of objections at the close.
With your notes in hand and a little practice you will be able to put on a powerful presentation to teach your peers how to do a proper warm up. If you are nervous try taking a few deep breaths and look at the audiences fore heads. They won’t know the difference and after a few of these meetings you will be able to look where you want with no problems what so ever.
You can follow the same format to teach just about anything and guess what? You are going to be your best student in the room.
If you would like to know more about how to make living making sales, by all means visit me at
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
You know a lot more than you think even if you just walked in the door of the new company you are going to work for.
Believe it or not the art of selling is something you actually learned at birth are you would not be here reading this. You had to sell someone on giving you a bottle when you were hungry and the way you did that was to raise a fuss and it was so loud you could not be ignored.
You did not know a language yet so all you could do was pout and cry. By demanding attention this way you got your bottle on time and when you soiled your diapers they came running to.
Getting up in front of the class and covering a few points will help you to get over the normal case of stage fright that every one has the first time they have to speak before a group.
As a matter of fact the number one fear in America is the fear of speaking in public.
What better place to get over your stage fright than addressing a group of your peers who don’t know anymore about the subject than you do.
You will find by doing this you will learn your little piece of the program very well. You can do this because you won’t be embarrassed and frightened as you will be more knowledgeable about the subject than your peers.
This is exactly the way I learned to sell. I would volunteer to cover some part are parts of the presentation. On other days I might tackle the close especially after I got pretty good at following the company closing techniques.
Talk about developing confidence. From this point on, you are going to feel ten feet tall and bullet proof when you walk into the homes and offices of prospects.
After I became a sales manager I always insisted that my sales people helped with the training. They thought they were teaching the class but they were actually teaching themselves and getting very good at it.
OK, I am willing to do this to learn my stock and trade much better. So just how do I go about it.
The first thing you need is a plan. (A Lesson Plan) This lesson plan will be short and to the point with no more than three points covered. It seems most people my self included have a hard time trying to grasp and remember more than three points in a single lecture.
Also I might recommend that you plan to ask a few questions and let the audience do some of the work. This way they will learn the material much better if they bounce a few answers off of you.
For example if you are teaching about the warm up before the presentation this is how I would go about it.
I would have three note cards about 4X6 inches in size. You can write on both sides if you need to. You can also number them by putting a big one on the first card, then two and so forth on the front of the cards and then number the backs of the cards four, five and six.
On the first card, front side I would put open ended questions to ask male prospects. Men like to talk about their work, hobbies, sports, cars and general interest subjects such as that.
On card two I would put, Women want to talk about their family, their home and friends. So you put pictures on the wall, flowers and ornaments in the front yard as you walk up and how well the home is kept up. If it is a home that is not that well kept up, don’t lie and give false flattery type statements. Just don’t bring the subject up.
On the third card put a few general questions that will appeal to a couple like how long have you all lived here? This seems like a pleasant neighborhood? Have you enjoyed a good vacation lately?
On the fourth side of a card (back of the first card) Put start shifting to suggestions of how most people enjoy certain things about your product without being to obvious about it.
We are not ready for the presentation phase yet, just trying to find out in subtle way what their likes and dislikes are.
Card side number five I would list observe for any problems that your product can fix and encourage your prospects to talk about these with you and to each other.
Card side number six it is time to bridge over to the presentation and your company has given you some sort of way they want this done. In the event they haven’t an easy way to do this is say, “Gee, I have enjoyed talking with you so much this evening it looks like I am letting the time get away“. You can sort of say this while picking up your book or binder and open it to the first page and start from there.
This was for training class but in real life about this point the prospect may actually tell you he is ready to shut up and hear what you have to say. When he tells you this it is time to start. Be sure and tell you class that as well.
I always recommend spending one hour in the warm up if the money you will receive from the sale warrants it. It is much easier for the prospect to see in his or her mind’s eye the value and benefit they will receive from the product you are selling; when they listen and talk about benefits without really realizing this is what is going on. Following this procedure will insure that you have a pre-sold prospect and a minimum of objections at the close.
With your notes in hand and a little practice you will be able to put on a powerful presentation to teach your peers how to do a proper warm up. If you are nervous try taking a few deep breaths and look at the audiences fore heads. They won’t know the difference and after a few of these meetings you will be able to look where you want with no problems what so ever.
You can follow the same format to teach just about anything and guess what? You are going to be your best student in the room.
If you would like to know more about how to make living making sales, by all means visit me at
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
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