Location: Vidor, Texas, United States

I have been in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing for for the last 45 years. I have helped hundreds maybe even thousands of sales people to more productive lives and outstanding success.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Hints on How to Develop a Successful Mental Attitude

Developing a successful mental attitude is just an absolute necessity in this day and age.

Guess What? If you don’t at least think you can win, you are not going to. It is as simple as that. Winning I have always found is about seventy-five percent attitude and twenty-five percent work.

Now you still have to work as there is just no way to get around having to do what you have to do.

But it is so much easier if you have that winning attitude and you approach the work issue with the I can absolutely get this done, frame of mind.

Do you think Edison could have produced the first working electric light bulb if he thought for a minute that he could not get it done. Of course he could not and neither could you or anyone else for that matter.

The truth is, all it takes is a winning attitude and the necessary work to get the job done as well as done correctly I might add.

This is true for sales careers as well as any other labor or occupation you have to get accomplished.

So just sit down for a few minutes and get into the  right frame of mind and go get the task done correctly.

Just say to your self or out loud if you have some privacy the simple words, “I Can Do It” over and over until you believe it.

And by all means when you finish the job always celebrate your success. If you do this it will soon be come a habit and you will begin to envision what your just reward is for getting the job done right and on time.

Well this is just my thoughts on the subject of winning but it has always worked for me and I think you will find this sort of thinking will be of tremendous help to you as well with very few exceptions.

Just never forget to tell yourself, “I Can Do It” and really believe it.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson
Better known as The Selling Fool

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