Why Success???
For the most part it is a given that everyone wants success and lots of it.
If everybody wants success, why aren't we all successful? The truth is most people don't know how to go about it. They just have a vague notion of what to do to be successful. This would be my suggestion of how to attain success, should you ever ask me.
If everybody wants success, why aren't we all successful? The truth is most people don't know how to go about it. They just have a vague notion of what to do to be successful. This would be my suggestion of how to attain success, should you ever ask me.
While the idea of wanting success in it self is not enough to make you successful it is the first step in the attainment of success.
The second step is to develop a burning desire to be successful at whatever you are trying to accomplish. Once you take the mere thought of wanting to be successful at whatever and whip it into a frenzy it becomes a burning desire. A burning desire is like blowing on smoldering coals. The coals will soon turn red hot and begin to flame up.
It is extremely hard to deny a person with a burning desire. They are going to live and breath success with such a vengeance that the very odor of success will begin to ooze from their pores. This is called the sweet smell of success.
As great as it is, having a burning desire, though necessary is still not enough to guarantee success. It is however an all important second step and makes the next five steps possible.
The third step is having a plan. Now this is a plan that is not just some vague notion in your head but a well thought out plan that is written down on paper.
A plan once made, works like, well just like a map and it is what you follow to get you from point A to point B. Having a written out plan is still not enough to get you success but it is a very important step in the grand scheme of things.
The fourth step that is also a very crucial step to achieving success is having a time table. You have to have a future date to work towards, a finish line so to speak. This gives your goal substance, something to tell you when you have achieved the very thing you set out to do. There will be many minute goals along the way, whose accomplishment will lead to to the overall success of the venture.
All of this brings us to a fifth and still another vitally important step in this exciting journey. With out this step all of the hours of work, blood, sweat and tears up to this point will have been for naught. The fifth step is action. Nothing will happen without action. You will just have this great dream and be all worked up about it and have nothing but extreme disappointment to show for it.
You must develop some serious action plans and follow them to the letter to accomplish your goals. Nobody ever won at anything without breaking a sweat.
OK, you now have the dreams, the burnings desire to succeed, the written plans, a written time table to follow and a serious action plan going for you. Will you make it? Most books at this point are going to tell you yes but in my humble opinion, I am going to say NO! Without the following two steps you probably will not.
Step six is this. You are going to need the support of your family, friends, business partners and peers. It makes a tough job even harder when everyone you know keeps telling you that you are wasting your time and you need to get a real job or whatever. They will unconsciously do everything in their power to sabotage and undermine your best efforts. Believe me I have been there and done that.
How do you avoid all of this? You simply let the people you know and love in on what you are doing in such a way that they can help you with your dream. You sell them on the idea of being part of your plan. Some of these folks can become part of your brainstorming sessions. You will be surprised at how many profitable ideas that people who have not been in the loop can come up with. They see problems in a totally different light than you do. As a result when you mix their ideas with input from your own, you will create some real winners. Best of all these very people who might have normally knocked your ideas now have a vested interest and will be behind you one hundred percent.
Others you know can become part of your board of directors or even mentors when the company really get established. A team effort is essential to most undertakings and is one of the main ways to insure success. With all of these people in the picture you are not going to give up. Are you?
By golly we are now getting close, but there is one more very important step that will put the icing on the cake. With this step and all of the preceding ones, you can be successful. This step is FOLLOW THROUGH.
You have to follow through. Success will not be fourth coming if you don't. This means you hit the ground running and when obstacles come up and they will, you dodge to the right or you dodge to the left. You may have to go under or you may have to go over but what ever it takes you keep your goals and time table in mind. Make sure you do something every day that takes you a little closer to your goal. You don't just jump the river. If you do you will wind up right in the middle and possibly drown. Instead use the bridge, stepping stones or a row boat to cross safely to the other side. How you do it is not the all important issue. The doing is the goal we are after so please don't forget to always follow through.
Guess what? You have finally reached your goal on that all important appointed day.
There you have it. Once all of this is done and you will get good at it, you should be able to write your own ticket. Finding out what works and doing it over and over and over again is the secret to lifetime success.
Now would be a good time to come to http://thesellingfool.com/ and work your way through the website. We cover setting goals, brainstorming, getting organized and all of the things necessary for success. I feel I can give you a lot more insight on whatever it is you are wanting to do if you just come and visit.
Thank you,
Billy J. Gibson