
Location: Vidor, Texas, United States

I have been in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing for for the last 45 years. I have helped hundreds maybe even thousands of sales people to more productive lives and outstanding success.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Way You Think Determines The Way You Live

Thinking the correct thoughts is the only way you can improve your life and get the things you want out of life.

Thinking right is a given but I know some of the younger generation have not come to this realization as well as some of the older folks.

If you were fortunate enough to have been brought up by well off parents who made it a practice to acquaint the children of the family with the notion of learning to be self sufficient, then this right way of thinking became a common every day practice.

The only way you can reach a goal is by setting one and then going through all of the necessary actions of achieving the goal.

A very necessary part of this action is to set down and decide by brain storming what it is you want in your life and what it will take to get it all together and accomplished.

Our thoughts actually lead us to the right circumstances to be able to accomplish our goals and dreams.

The things and circumstances that come to mind may be off the wall and never even been thought about by you. However the answer to your thoughts or prayers will come if you keep an open mind to what has to be done to accomplish the goal you are seeking.

Our conscious thoughts have a way of going out and seeking the right answers and solutions to our problems through the use of our subconscious minds. Trust me this will work for those of you who make the attempt.

There is a story going around in the news about a fellow who is running for the office of governor in my home state of Texas.

His name is Farouk Shami from Palestine and he claims he had only $73.00 in his pocket when he came to the United States.

He is now said to have a company worth more than a billion dollars and has moved his manufacture plants to the United States from over seas. This is providing Houston, Texas with 1300 new jobs to help grow the local economy.

The main reason I bring this up, is the fact, that if a person from a foreign country can start a company with seventy-three dollars and build it up to the billion dollar level had to have some positive creative thinking going for him.

Now believe it or not, you can do the same thing with what ever idea or ideas you have for seed ideas right at this minute. You just have to cultivate these seed ideas in to something concrete and worth while.

The truth is you can make a million dollars doing anything as long as you do enough of it.

I recommend you stick to things that are honest and above board. There is no need to make a billion dollars and then have to spend the remainder of your life in jail as a certain big name in the news is having to do as we speak.

Other than the fact that this needs to be an honest endeavor anything can work. I will admit this would be much easier to do if what ever you will be selling is already wanted by the general public. However there are many cases where a new invention comes out that no one was even aware of but in no time everyone has one.

The cell phone is one of these inventions that took the country by storm.

Everything you now see, hear, feel, read or own started with a thought in someones mind. There is no exception to this rule.

At my Website I have a link to a site where you can learn to Brain Storm for free. This would be a good place to learn to get it right.

I also might add, don't be guilty of dwelling on what you don't have, instead just decide what you will have and think like you already have the item or position that you want.

If you think along the lines as if you already possess what ever it is you want and then follow the suggestions your subconscious mind gives you and then make a diligent effort to get it, you will be successful.

This is not just some off the wall suggestion as this is just how it is done.

As this is now the day before the beginning of 2010 I would recommend you get started on this right away.

Make your plans and follow them through. I do it this way and you can to.

So far I have a list of forty-five things I will get accomplished this year and that is only the beginning as the list is growing every day.

Never give up is a slogan that should be on your wall to see every day.

If you want to find more ways to live better and with less head aches come to my Website at

I will be able to offer you many suggestions on how to not only make a living selling but more importantly many suggestions on how to simply live a simple extraordinary life with out being in debt.

Thank you,
Billy J Gibson

Monday, December 21, 2009

Frugality A Sign of the Times

Becoming frugal is a sign of the times. True the economy is improving and most of us are now getting our lives back together but living during the last few years of the recession has taught most of us how to get more bang for our buck than we are used to doing.

You may be going on line and printing out coupons for the items you need at the grocery store this week. True this may not be a lot of savings but you should still save enough to buy a couple of gallons of gas so the trip to the store would be much less.

You can also go online and purchase some of your bigger purchases and if the shipping is free and in most cases tax free as well this could add up to some real savings.

Even if you do not buy on line you could still get a better idea of the prices you should be paying when you go to the local brick and mortar store.

I purchase a lot of items on line as it saves me a trip to town and most of the time due to the fact that we live in a small town the items we want are not available anyway.

Your computer if it is like mine is just in the next room anyway so it might as well be paying for it self by making it possible for you to save a little money.

There are some other ways you could benefit especially if you live in an area where some of the local plants have closed and you live close to some of your close friends and co-workers.

In this situation if you and your friends have similar taste you could get together and go to some of the large box stores and buy produce and meats in bulk to get a lower price and then split the bill and the items you bought.

This is a good way for several families to buy the normal house hold goods and save considerable money.

At our home we cook ahead and cook enough for several meals and then freeze the left over’s for another meal to be eaten in a week or so.

It saves a lot of ware and tare on my wife and also saves us a great deal of money.

When my wife and I go out to eat we find at most restaurants now days the portions are so large that we can take home enough for another meal the next day.

I switched over to florescent bulbs when they first became available. As a result I do find a noticeable reduction in our electric bills from doing this so the more efficient lighting does save us a great deal of money.

Two other things my wife and I do religiously is eat before you go grocery shopping and always make a list of what you need to reduce impulse shopping.

You can save a few thousand dollars a year if you just do those two things.

My main Website covers the how to’s of Salesmanship but I felt it is necessary to get people to thinking about how to save money especially if you are a salesperson having a difficult time in today’s economy.

I have been poor but never broke as the saying goes so I know what a lot of people in the selling profession have to go through.

I learned early to never spend all you got and that habit has helped me to weather every storm I came up on.

So get in the habit of saving money and putting a little aside each and every pay day because you will wind up needing it when you least expect it.

By keeping my budget where it needs to be I really have not had too much trouble being able to put more money in the bank than I needed to pay my bills.

I do live debt free and that is a great feeling in itself.

You can come to my Website to find out more and better ways to make sales and just live better in general.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson

Friday, December 18, 2009

Using Brain Storming to Develop Lead Prospecting Ideas

When you start to set up a prospecting program to provide leads for your self or your sales force it is an absolute necessity that you start with a few organizational efforts.

You might want to brain storm this with some of your friends who have a vested interest or some of your employees if you are at some level of management.

The way I start I normally take a calendar and mark off the dates that we have to get all of the different operations done.

Some of the options and methods you normally would have at your disposal to produce leads and sales would be:

Cold Canvassing
Exhibit Sales
Direct Mail
Current Customers
Television Advertising
Radio Advertising
Newspaper Advertising

These are primarily the basic ways of advertising and contacting prospects to find interested parties to make presentations to.

There are actually other methods I have used very successfully but the fore going are generally what most companies use.

Depending on your time frame you just have to set down and see what you can come up with using these guide lines to put your brain storming sessions to good use.

When you have a group of interested people together and you mention any one of the above methods it will generate all sorts of ideas from the different people in the room.

Some of the ideas will sound crazy at first but still write them on your white or black board where everyone can see them and comment on them.

If the crazy ideas generate other ideas that have merit the crazy idea was useful after all.

Remember there are no bad ideas just some that may not be too useful at this time or they could be too cost prohibitive so as to not be affordable at this time.

However if you generate the kind of business these sessions normally develop then the discarded idea may become affordable after all.

Most of the ideas and methods I mentioned above are self explanatory even though I realize some people may not know how to go about using some of these methods if they are new to sales. For more information you can go to my Website where you will be able to learn about the different methods first hand.

I really don’t offer much advise about Radio, TV or Newspaper advertising as their advertising sales agents would be the proper ones to discuss this with.

I have had extremely good success with using brainstorming over the years to come up with fantastic methods of creating sales.

My favorite and quickest way to do a months worth of business in three or four days is with exhibit sales.

I have used exhibit sales with everything from the sales of encyclopedias to pre-need cemetery property.

If there was not a local flea market or fair available to rent a booth at, then I would get a contract with a local book store or grocery store for space to obtain leads or make presentations over the counter.

I have even stopped on the side of the road and put up a small gazebo with table and chairs to generate sales. If you tie a bunch of balloons around your display and provide some good signage you can attract quite a few customers with some cheap free gifts.

I have a page on my Website that goes over exhibit sales in great detail if you are not sure of the best way to go about this.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson