
Location: Vidor, Texas, United States

I have been in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing for for the last 45 years. I have helped hundreds maybe even thousands of sales people to more productive lives and outstanding success.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This Time Of Year 9-11 Is On Everyone’s Mind

9-11 is the main thing on the news as the anniversary of the 2001 disaster is coming up Sunday 9-11-2001 and is on all of the Television stations, and Newspapers.

Every year when the anniversary comes around people are made aware of terrorist activities and that is one of the things I feel has kept us safe all of these years.

I live out in the rural community of Texas and even here if we see a strange package or briefcase left out in the grocery store parking lot or on the sidewalk it would be called to the proper authorities attention.

It is this being constantly vigilant that is practiced by most all of the citizens of the United States that is keeping us reasonably safe.

I commend all of those who helped to save lives and perhaps were injured or even lost their own lives helping others not only during the 9-11 attack. But I also commend those who have helped in other situations that have come up from time to time.

Helping people is what America is all about. The old “All for one” and “One for all” statement is just as valid today as it was the first time it was ever uttered in some stressful situation.

I for one, every time I write something for this blog or any where else on the internet for that matter always think about how it will effect my readers.

So Sunday, September 11th , 2011 please pause and offer a prayer or two for not only the hero’s but the ones we lost and their long suffering families as well.

And do continue to be observant of anything that looks suspicious and out of place. The terrorist may well strike in a different state other than New York or Washington DC.

I don’t like to mention possible targets as this just informs the enemy of where to strike but you know the places, where you live that would be very detrimental to the country and your area if they were attacked.

So everyone continue to watch out where ever you live and we will continue to get lucky and keep the bad guys away.

Incidentally I listened to the president and I personally am all for the “Jobs Bill” he lined out. I don’t get into politics on this blog but everyone in America that wants and needs a job deserves a good chance to get one.

If you are one of these people who is out of work or under paid please be sure and go to my other blog

If you will read the entire blog you will find all of the links that will get you to virtually all of the available jobs in the United States of America and these sites are up dating them daily and they show when the jobs were posted as well.

So there is help out there, it is just a matter of you taking advantage of it.

Thank you,
Billy J Gibson

Friday, September 02, 2011

Sick of the Dismal Employment Reports

When the economy is down people tend to think and believe the worst. The politicians can and do help at times but they are not the answer to all of our problems.

The truth is Sales is one of the few professions that is always in demand. The only way we as a country are going to get out of the dilemma we are in is to literally “Sell Our Way Out Of It“.

As I have mentioned before I came up in hard times and although I did not realize at the time that times were indeed hard, I still managed to make a respectable living. By doing so through selling products for the most part I was able to help keep four or five other families gainfully employed.

A typical professional salesperson not only provides for his family but enables four or five other families to put bread on the table.

He or She does this by selling products that have to be manufactured by someone and then delivered, stored, distributed and bought are used by the general public.

On top of the employment problems the country is now facing we have all of the weather related issues to deal with.

I am no stranger to weather problems as my home has been virtually destroyed twice and then severely damaged in the last big storm that hit our area.

All you can do when it comes to Mother Nature is to prepare the best you can and have the sense and responsibility to get out of dodge when the powers to be tell you it is time to go.

If you stay during an evacuation, you, your family and pets just add to the problem.

That is also kind of how you deal with employment issues. If you are smart you make plans before you get laid off or get the boot. This way there are no surprises when you are let go.

The smart thing to do is to always keep abreast of what is available as you never know when you are going to have your final meeting with the boss.

Incidentally if you need a job or want to get into the sales profession you might want to check out my other blog.

At Career-Acquisitions you will find links to several employment ad sites that cover virtually every job opening in the United States.

You may also need to get a grant or student loan and look into a career in the health profession as they are really hurting for qualified people right now.

Virtually ever profession on the planet needs salespeople, including the health profession.

So for that reason I have always said that salesmanship is the most important attribute any person could possibly possess.

If you are one of the thousands of people affected by the storms last weekend and looks like this weekend as well, I want to encourage you to do your best and work your way through the mess.

If you need a job my best advice is to simply go get one. There is plenty of hints and helps to do that on the other blog.

If you need help selling you can always read my many former post here at Sales and Selling.

So good luck and good selling.

PS: Keep up to date with your employment opportunities at:

Thank you,
Billy J Gibson