Learning To Be Successful One Step at a Time
Learning to be successful one step at a time is a talent that is well worth pursuing.
There have been a lot of books written on multitasking and although there are bound to be some folks that are capable of doing this I find that for the majority of us this just does not work out well.
I have tried multitasking on many occasions but for some reason multitasking just does not work well for me.
The only multitasking I have been able to do is with help from mechanical things like running the dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer at the same time but this is not the kind of multitasking that is covered in the books I have read.
The books on multitasking are talking about making your to-do list, balancing the check book and making calls to prospects or some such all at the same time.
I can tell you that for me it just does not work!
My brain cannot separate the tasks at hand so everything gets all confused and I wind up having to do everything all over again.
So for me anyway the best way I have found to do things is to set my priorities and then tackle the things that need to be done one thing at a time and get them done.
By working this way I can accomplish many tasks in just a few minutes each.
Also success breeds success so that when I finish one task completely to my satisfaction then just doing it gives me the confidence I need to tackle the next thing I am going to do.
The most important thing to remember, when learning to be successful, is breaking the tasks down, that need to be done into small doable tasks, that you will no doubt feel you can be successful doing.
Once the tasks are broken down and you can see the big picture you can do a much better job of setting the bigger goals you are trying to accomplish.
There is no shame in doing several thousand different small tasks over the course of several months as opposed to trying and then failing to accomplish some grandiose goal in such a short time that it never gets accomplished and then you feel like a complete failure.
Been there and done that, as the old saying goes but once I learned to do a lot of little things the whole world turned around for me. The world can turn around for you as well if you heed my advice on this subject.
Another great thing thing is you can have a sigh of relief, as you know longer have to think of the big picture, as an all in one great big miracle that has to happen all at one time.
Instead the goal now is to accomplish all of these little goals one day at a time but at the same time while doing this always keep the big picture in mind.
For more information on how to get things done to help your sales career, please go to my website
There you will find a lot of information on how to increase your sales volume or your team's if you are in management.
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
There have been a lot of books written on multitasking and although there are bound to be some folks that are capable of doing this I find that for the majority of us this just does not work out well.
I have tried multitasking on many occasions but for some reason multitasking just does not work well for me.
The only multitasking I have been able to do is with help from mechanical things like running the dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer at the same time but this is not the kind of multitasking that is covered in the books I have read.
The books on multitasking are talking about making your to-do list, balancing the check book and making calls to prospects or some such all at the same time.
I can tell you that for me it just does not work!
My brain cannot separate the tasks at hand so everything gets all confused and I wind up having to do everything all over again.
So for me anyway the best way I have found to do things is to set my priorities and then tackle the things that need to be done one thing at a time and get them done.
By working this way I can accomplish many tasks in just a few minutes each.
Also success breeds success so that when I finish one task completely to my satisfaction then just doing it gives me the confidence I need to tackle the next thing I am going to do.
The most important thing to remember, when learning to be successful, is breaking the tasks down, that need to be done into small doable tasks, that you will no doubt feel you can be successful doing.
Once the tasks are broken down and you can see the big picture you can do a much better job of setting the bigger goals you are trying to accomplish.
There is no shame in doing several thousand different small tasks over the course of several months as opposed to trying and then failing to accomplish some grandiose goal in such a short time that it never gets accomplished and then you feel like a complete failure.
Been there and done that, as the old saying goes but once I learned to do a lot of little things the whole world turned around for me. The world can turn around for you as well if you heed my advice on this subject.
Another great thing thing is you can have a sigh of relief, as you know longer have to think of the big picture, as an all in one great big miracle that has to happen all at one time.
Instead the goal now is to accomplish all of these little goals one day at a time but at the same time while doing this always keep the big picture in mind.
For more information on how to get things done to help your sales career, please go to my website
There you will find a lot of information on how to increase your sales volume or your team's if you are in management.
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson