
Location: Vidor, Texas, United States

I have been in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing for for the last 45 years. I have helped hundreds maybe even thousands of sales people to more productive lives and outstanding success.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Increasing Your Sales Through Successful Self Management

Self management is a subject I have been writing different post about for the last few weeks.

If you are following the suggestions I have been recommending in this blog for the last few post, you are most likely getting more done on any given day.

If you are in sales you are most likely able to do a much better job at prospecting, presenting and closing your presentations.

You also probably feel much more self confident, when you are making presentations to your prospects, especially if you are one of the ones that started the program May 10, 2012 when I first brought up this subject.

Sales is obviously the main subject of this blog and increasing your sales has to be the main daily goal you will be consistently striving for.

However the sales game is rather complicated and it takes a lot of self discipline to really excel at this occupation.

As I was in sales many, many years I found that the main hurtles that I always had to overcome were of my own making.

This program tends to make a person think much better about themselves as well as get over fears such as:

The fear of success.

The fear of failure.

Building self confidence is the answer to virtually all of the problems that a salesperson faces.

If you think you can do it, you are usually right.

Writing your daily affirmations fifteen times each day in long hand will give you the confidence you need to make a great living in sales.

If you are just seeing this the first time be sure and read the previous post's I have made starting back on May 10, 2012.

The post's are all short articles that can be read in just a few minutes.

Once you read the different articles posted starting May 10, 2012 you can set your goals, make your to do list and write out your daily affirmations fifteen times each day.

I personally am following this for six months as I have some rather hefty goals I am striving for.

Hoping you have the best success with this program as well.

I personally competed 143 different task’s this last week.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson

Better know as the Selling Fool

Please post comments if you feel this is helping you in any way.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Secret to Success is Through Self Management

Well here I am again bringing you up to date on how using Self Management is helping me.

Hope you are all following my suggestions for making a great to do list and then following through by doing every task on the list.

Using the affirmations by writing them out in long hand fifteen times every day. This will keep you sharp and focused. This will also keep your subconscious mind prompting you to do all of the things on your to do list daily on time and with purpose.

Things seem to be looking up for me as I am hoping they are for you as well.

This six month project will, I feel confident, turn out to be a great situation for both my self and my fellow blog followers.

This last seven days, day 8 through day 14 was a great experience. I completed one hundred and twenty nine different tasks.

I have a great plan for the next seven days as I am working on a book that is covering this subject in great detail as well as two other success books that I started some time ago.

Today I feel I need to shed a little more light on the subject of goal setting.

This blog is primarily for helping sales people but regardless of your occupation you should find all of the suggestions on this blog to be very beneficial.

For goals to be beneficial and helpful you need to consider a number of things that are going on in your life.

Always consider your health and wealth as well as the goals of your children, spouse and your personal goals, when making out your goal list.

Getting totally out of debt is a great goal to shoot for. When I decided to start living debt free back around 2001 I found it only took me a couple of years to get this done.

From here on out, just like the last ten years or so I plan on paying cash for everything I need in my life. That includes any cars, houses, vacation property, you name it.

So basically when you make out your new to do list every morning or the night before, be sure and read your goals list and use it to prompt you to put things on the to do list that will help you obtain the goals you are seeking.

Then do every item on the to do list. Be sure and write your affirmations out long hand fifteen times every day. No exceptions. I do it and you can to.

Let’s all get excited and start being the self managers that we know we can be.

Remember your boss, if you have one. He or she is going to be impressed with all of the great work you are doing.

The only way you are going to be a future millionaire is start becoming one. It is not going to happen any other way short of winning the lottery or something. The odds of winning the lottery incidentally are about one in 250 million on most days.

So let’s all do something we can count on for a change.

Think positive, work hard and be grateful for what ever you have. It’s working for me and I am sure it will work for you.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson

Better know as the Selling Fool.

PS: If you need a job be sure and check out my other blog:

Please leave a comment so we can all see how you are doing.

Thank you, once again

Have a Great Day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Science of Self Management Revisited

I am finding that the subject of Self Management seems to be one of the most well covered subjects through out the internet.

This makes sense, as Self Management is one of the most important subjects that anyone who is trying to succeed at anything can learn to use on a daily basis.

It is no secret that it takes an absolute habit of following through daily with your task’s in order to accomplish what ever you are doing.

This post is a follow up to the one I did May 10, 2012 which was titled:

Self Management a Science Indeed

If you have not read that post, it is posted directly below this post.

I mainly writing this post to give you a heads up as to how I did during the first week of this program.

I added up all of the different task’s that I accomplished during the first seven days of my six month commitment.

The total came to one hundred and forty one different task’s that I completed during the first seven days of this project.

Some of you may have done more than this and some of you may have done less but what ever the total it is probably several times more completed task’s than you would have done before using the system.

Writing out your affirmations fifteen times a day on a sheet of notebook paper tends to keep you focused and causes you to never give up.

If I could convince the majority of America and the rest of the free world that could read this blog to do this religiously, day in and day out we would have an economy so strong that it would be impossible for it to fail, short of some horrendous natural or political disaster of sorts.

This little process that causes you to do four to five times the work you normally do on average, day in and day out will really get the country going like it has never gone before.

Procrastination will be a thing of the past.

As I do not have access to the minds of all of the billionaires in the world I will have to depend on the people that read my blog to get the word out.

Think about it! Making a lengthy list of goals and then a daily to do list means nothing unless you do virtually every task on the list, day in and day out.

If you keep with the program and do your affirmation writing daily it will cause your subconscious to literally make you follow through and reach all of your goals, no matter how lofty they become.

You will find you cannot drop the ball as you will become obsessively productive to the point you are actually doing five to six times the work you used to do.

Your employer, if you have one, will be considering letting you take over the company as he or she has never seen anyone this productive in their entire business career.

Anyone in school will suddenly become an A or A+ student. People in government will start doing what they are paid to do.

Wives will fall in love with their husbands all over again as their husbands are doing all of the chores and projects that have long been put off and in addition start doing many, many things on their own with being prodded in the least.

Talk about a happy productive world, this is the secret as well as the answer to all of the world’s productivity problems.

Make a fantastic Goal list as you now have the capacity to reach every goal.

What I would like everyone who reads this to do is, sort of like multi level marketing, tell three of you friends about this project and see if they will start doing it. Then after a few weeks, when they start seeing success and you know they can’t help but be successful as well, they need to tell three of their friends and so forth.


Will Equal A Bunch Of People

Once everybody is telling others, who are telling others, who are telling others, the program will then go viral and help millions and millions of people world wide.

I will continue to update you every week or so on how I am doing.

Please comment on what you think and how it is helping you. I know I am creating a few millionaires out there and they will be helping others to do the same.

Thank you,

Billy J Gibson

Better know as the Selling Fool

PS: Once again if you are not up to date on what this is all about, Read the previous post on Self Management to be able to put all of this into action for yourself.

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Self Management a Science Indeed

Self Management is something anyone who is interested in becoming successful should have a keen interest in.

I am starting a new phase in my life as I have let the subject of self management slip over the last few years. This has been due for the most part because of my so called retirement during the last three years.

What I am planning on doing now is nothing new or out of the ordinary.

In fact in a lot of the different post and articles I have read on the internet a lot of people do not believe that what I am about to disclose actually works.

However I on the other hand am a believer in the principals I am going to discuss.

Back in the early nineties, around nineteen ninety two I was crew manager for a cemetery lot sales force. I had long believed in the merits of self management so I came up with a simple system of using affirmations to increase my skills and work habits.

After a few days and some success I insisted that the rest of my sales crew use the same system I was using every working day.

Major success did not come overnight but by the end of the year our entire sales force was using the same system. And believe it or not, between my sales crew and the other various sales departments at our location we had produced a profit of over three point two million dollars by years end.

I actually never heard the actual sales figures for the period but they would have been several times the amount of the profit numbers.

Both my boss and his boss both received incredible job promotions due to the outstanding sales records that were achieved.

Now that I have your attention you are most likely wondering what exactly I did to accomplish all of this.

Well to keep it real simple I am putting exactly what my affirmations are that I will be using for the next six months in the bullet list below.

Once you come up with your own list of affirmations or you can use mine if you wish, you will be able to follow through.

Also please make sure to keep the list short by all means as you will be writing your affirmations out long hand fifteen times each and every day.


1. I accept more and more wealth into my life.

2. I choose to write a new to do list every day.

3. I am willing to complete my to do list each and every day.

That’s all there is to it. I have three simple affirmations to write out fifteen time each and every day.

Writing them out by hand will make sure your subconscious mind will follow through and make you accomplish ever single item you put on your to do list with very few exceptions.

I will be doing exactly what I am suggesting every single day for the next six months and will be letting you know from time to time on this blog how it is working for me. You can also post your results in the comments at the bottom of the page so I can see how you are doing as well.

What are my goals and ambitions? Well actually they are private but I will admit my goals are not very small but they will be accomplished just like yours will be as well if you follow my suggestions.

I suggest that you do your to do list in long hand on a notebook or sheet of paper. It does not need to be pretty to be effective.

Include all of your daily habits and things on it like mow grass, shave, bathe, call so and so and make presentations to whoever.

Include all of your home life things and chores as well as hobbies, work duties and your spouse’s honey do list.

List all of your health, diet and exercise items as well as remembering to list your medications and when they should be taken so you take them on time.

Why go to the trouble of becoming wealthy if you can’t live to enjoy it?

Thank you for your time and patience and have a great day and even more a great future. You deserve it.

Remember all of this will work, if you do.

Billy J Gibson

Better known as the Selling Fool.